Category: Reviews
Nifeliz review and buyer’s guide: Top themes, best sets, and more
Nifeliz offers fantastic sets for young adults and up — our guide covers all you need to know.
Nifeliz Succulents review: Two great Lego Botanical alternatives
Are Nifeliz Succulents sets a good alternative to Lego Botanical? Find out in our full review!
Nifeliz vs Lego: A cheap alternative brick-building experience
Want a cheaper building experience? Here’s how Nifeliz compares to Lego in quality, sets, and more!
Watercolor vs acrylic: A quick guide for beginners
What are the differences and similarities between watercolor and acrylic paint? Find out in this bite-sized guide for beginners!
Best paper for Posca pens: Find the perfect match
Find the best paper for Posca pens in this quick user guide for illustrators, painters, and mixed-medium artists.
Best Nanoblock Pokemon sets: Pokemon mininano sets, bundles, and more
Discover a new brick-building experience with unique, micro-sized Nanoblock Pokemon sets.
Nanoblock vs Lego: Battle of the blocks
Here’s an in-depth comparison of Nanoblock vs Lego, comparing block size, themes, price per piece, and more.
JMBricklayer buyer’s guide: A worthy Lego alternative?
JMBricklayer is one of the newest Lego alternatives out there, but is it worth it? Here’s what you need to know.
Japanese saws: The definitive guide to Japanese pull saws
Japanese saws are deserving of a spot on your workbench. Here’s everything you need to know about Japanese pull saws!
Find the best Lego table for classic Legos, Duplo blocks, and more
Take a break from DIYing and find a great Lego table for kids.