Category: Reviews
Popular bookbinding techniques in a nutshell
Learn about some of the most popular bookbinding techniques every bookbinder should know!
Best latch hook kits: Make your own rug at home
Build focus and create beautiful rugs with these great latch hook kits!
Bookbinding for beginners: What to know and how to get started
This bookbinding for beginners guide covers the basics to help you kickstart your very first bookbinding projects.
Essential bookbinding tools and supplies: How to get started
Find the essential bookbinding tools and supplies in this guide to begin working on your first bookbinding projects!
Essential macrame supplies: What and where to buy
Where to buy macrame supplies, you ask? Check out our lineup of the essential macrame supplies you’ll need for your upcoming project.
10 best macrame books for beginners, patterns, project ideas, and more
Macrame books are one of the best ways to learn and get inspired. Here are the best options available!
30 hobbies for geeks and nerds of all walks of life
Check out this list of nerdy hobbies to find your next obsession.
17 miniature hobbies for all ages and skill levels
Love tiny things? Here’s a quick list of miniature hobbies to scratch that itch.
121 creative hobbies to try in 2024, and how to get started
Need a new hobby? Check out our list of creative hobbies with lots of resources to get started!
Domestika review: Is it worth it? Everything you need to know
Domestika has tons of great courses for creatives, but are they worth it? Here’s everything you need to know!