Best Nanoblock Pokemon sets: Pokemon mininano sets, bundles, and more

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Has it been over two decades since you first heard of a little yellow fellow called Pikachu? Or are you discovering the Pokemon Universe for the first time? Maybe you know a younger fan who simply has to catch ’em all!

Nanoblock Pokemon is perfect for fans of this legendary series. This Japanese toy brand offers a refreshing take on brick building with its unique micro-sized pieces and out-of-the-box designs.

Check out the best Pokemon Nanoblock sets below to find mininano sets, bundles, and more!

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What is Nanoblock Pokemon?

Nanoblock Pokemon sets featured
Photo via Nick Rowan (Tiny Workshops)

Nanoblock is a sub-brand of the Japanese company Kawada, and is known for its one-of-a-kind, micro-sized blocks. Bricks can be as tiny as 2mm high, providing a unique building experience compared to more prominent brands like Lego or Mega Bloks.

Check out our Nanoblock vs Lego comparison to see just how small these pieces are!

Nanoblock Pokemon hosts an extensive catalog of brick-building projects based on your all-time favorite Pokemon characters. This category was first released in Japan in 2013 and launched in the US in late 2015.

Pokemon Nanoblock sets feature incredibly detailed projects, some smaller than others, resulting in eye-catching models and mini structures. Because these editions contain tiny parts, they’re particularly designed for teens and adults: these are not appropriate toys for small children.

Nanoblock Pokemon products come in different forms, whether in mininano multi-packs, smaller bundles, or individual sets. Each is categorized by specific difficulty levels: 1-5 (5 being the hardest).

Building models can take up to a couple of hours, depending on how complex your project is or how familiar you are with these teeny-weeny bricks; it takes time to place them one by one!

To make life a little easier, we highly advise purchasing a Nanoblock building mat and Nanoblock tweezers.

Pokemon Nanoblock sets make for excellent collectibles; they’re affordable, small-scale, and perfect for showcasing! While some may prefer larger brick-building ventures, if you’re a collector who likes to display your work, Nanoblock is a great match.

Best Nanoblock Pokemon sets

Mininano Pokemon Nanoblock list

One of the best ways to make the best out of Pokemon Nanoblock is to purchase items from its mininano series. Each box set includes six mini-projects and is inspired by a specific Pokemon type.

This is the ideal gift or pastime for any Pokemon fan: designs are one-of-a-kind, and models are fun and easy to display — especially if you’re low on space!

1. Nanoblock Mininano: Pokemon Dragon-Type Set

Pokemon Type Dragon Set

# items in set: 6
Difficulty Level: Beginner

Release date: 2022
Age: 12+

First up is a mininano set containing six dragon-type Pokemon characters: Dragonite, Dratini, Goodra, Bagon, Drampa, and Garchomp.

This is an entry-level Pokemon Nanoblock set containing 4mmx5mm bricks. Because these are micro-blocks, be aware that these mini-projects are best for teens and up. Every set includes illustrated instructions to guide you through every step!

The dragon type is one of Pokemon’s 18 elemental types (you’ll be seeing more below!), commonly viewed as the most powerful, ancestral group, and often considered to have “divine” or “godly” powers.

These characters are recognizable for their reptilian-like look, although dragon types can display a mix of different characteristics, whether those of insects, fish, or even plants. In this set, only Dratini and Goodra are pure dragon types.

2. Nanoblock Mininano: Pokemon Fire-Type Set

Nanoblock Mininano: Pokemon Type Fire Set

# items in set: 6
Difficulty Level: Beginner

Release date: 2022
Age: 12+

The next Pokemon Nanoblock set also falls under the mininano series, this time including six fire-type characters: Charmander, Fennekin, Tepig, Charizard, Chimchar, and Cyndaquil.

This beginner’s set for ages 12+ contains step-by-step guidelines to build each mini model. For reference, the structures featured in this multi-pack measure approximately 1.38 inches (~3.5cm) high.

The fire-type species falls under Pokemon’s “Starter types” (other than grass and water) and uses fire as their main weapon/power. This group is also the smallest of all Starter types.

Of the featured characters in this set, only Charizard is a combination of fire and another type: flying. Unfortunately, there’s no Charmeleon to complete the set.

3. Nanoblock Mininano: Pokemon Normal-Type Set

Nanoblock Mininano: Pokemon Type Normal Set

# items in set: 6
Difficulty Level: Beginner

Release date: 2022
Age: 12+

This mininano set comprises six normal-type Pokemon for brick-builders ages 12+: Eevee, Swablu, Munchlax, Chatoto, Bewear, and Porygon.

Each completed structure will measure roughly 1.38 inches (~3.5cm) high; your bundle will include thorough instructions to build each from start to finish.

Normal-type Pokemon are identified as the most basic. They’re based on real-life animals and don’t typically blend with other types apart from birds (flying type).

While containing very small-scale projects, this mininano pack costs a little over $30, which can seem pricey. However, to put things into perspective, remember that this is the equivalent of ~$5 per item! Plus, Eevee is a big fan favorite.

4. Nanoblock Mininano: Pokemon Electric-Type Set

Nanoblock Mininano: Pokemon Type Electric Set

# items in set: 6
Difficulty Level: Beginner

Release date: 2022
Age: 12+

Containing six electric-type Pokemon characters, this set is an excellent addition to your mininano collection.

This set features favorites such as the one-and-only Pikachu, Flaaffy, Rotom, Magnemite, Charjabug, and Alolan Raichu. It would have been nice to see a standard Raichu complete the set, but the Alolan variant does have undeniable flavor, especially for Hau fans.

Electric-type Pokemon are some of the most fan-favored, popularized by Pikachu, and coveted for their electro-kinetic abilities, including generating and storing electricity. These characters are also especially fast and are hard to defeat.

Pikachu and Flaaffy are the only two purely electric-type Pokemon featured in this set: the remaining characters are combined with other elements.

5. Nanoblock Mininano: Pokemon Grass-Type Set

Nanoblock Mininano:  Pokemon Type Grass Set

# items in set: 6
Difficulty Level: Beginner

Release date: 2022
Age: 12+

Another of the more recent or new Nanoblock Pokemon mininano sets is the 2022 grass-type edition.

Each set features six characters: Venusaur, Bulbasaur, Sceptile, Shaymin, Rowlet, and Grookey. Like the Fire set, it’s missing the middle evolution Ivysaur.

Grass-type Pokemons fall under the “Starter types” and are inspired by plants or fungi — not grass, despite the denomination! These characters are often paired with other types, one of the most popular elements being poison: Venusaur and Bulbasaur are examples of this!

Shaymin and Grookey are the only two purely grass-type Pokemons in this set. These are some of my favorite structures; they’re really fun models to build and will add some funky shades of green to your colorful brick collection.

6. Nanoblock Mininano: Pokemon Water-Type Set

Nanoblock Mininano:  Pokemon Type Water Set

# items in set: 6
Difficulty Level: Beginner

Release date: 2022
Age: 12+

Last up for the best mininano sets is this water-type Pokemon multi-pack, including some of the series’ most beloved characters.

These sets feature bricks as small as 4mmx5mm to assemble six structures: Blastoise, Wingull, Piplup, Slowking, Magikarp, and Cramorant. It’s borderline criminal to not include Squirtle with this set, although there is a Squirtle in one of the larger sets below.

Water-type Pokemons are one of the most famous, being the largest group of all types. Water-type characters are iconic for resembling underwater creatures and use water as their primary power to attack/defend.

These types tend to merge with others. In this set, Blastoise, Piplup, and Magikarp are the only pure water-type figures: the remaining characters are mixed with other element types like flying and psychic.

Bundle Pokemon Nanoblock list

I love these bundles because while you get fewer characters vs. mininano sets, they tend to offer slightly more complex projects and larger structures.

Also, know that the price difference between mininano sets and smaller bundles isn’t significant. However, many Nanoblock Pokemon in these sets can be purchased individually (for a slightly higher price).

Currently, most of these larger Nanoblock Pokemon bundles cover Gen 1 Pokemon, so longtime fans can bathe in the nostalgia!

7. Nanoblock Bundle: Venusaur and Blastoise

Nanobloack Bundle: Venusaur and Blastoise

# items in set: 2
Pieces: 160+220

Release date: 2016
Age: 14+

First up is a two-item bundle featuring beloved Pokemon characters Venusaur and Blastoise. These third-tier evolutions from Gen 1 might not be as cute as their starters, but the designs are undeniably iconic.

These sets package each model individually and include illustrated guidelines for assembly.

Venusaur comprises 160 pieces and measures ~2.2×1.4×2.36 inches (~56×36× 60mm) once completed.

Blastoise measures ~2.2×2.17×2.52 inches (56×55×64mm) and consists of 220 pieces.

Pokemon type and Japanese Trademark names:

Venusaur (Generation 1 — Grass, Poison): Fushigibana
Blastoise (Generation 1 — Water): Kamex

8. Nanoblock Bundle: Lapras and Caterpie with Poke Ball

Nanobloack Bundle: Laplace and Caterpie with Poke Ball

# items in set: 2
Pieces: 170+130

Release date: 2015
Age: 14+

This bundle contains two (and a half!) mini projects: Lapras and Caterpie with a Poke Ball. Admitedly this is a strange pairing, but it’s the only set that has a Poke Ball, which is a big selling point.

You’ll receive illustrated instructions to put each structure together; these will be included in separate packages. Granted, the colors in each set are different, so you shouldn’t get them mixed up.

The Lapras structure consists of 130 bricks, and its final assembled size is 1.9×2×2.2 inches (48×52×56mm).

Caterpie is packaged with a Poke Ball and, together, they comprise a total of 170 pieces. Caterpie is the largest of these two structures, measuring roughly 1.8×1.1×2 inches (45×28×52mm).

Pokemon type and Japanese Trademark names:

Lapras (Generation 1 — Water, Ice): Laplace
Caterpie (Generation 1 — Bug): Caterpie

9. Nanoblock Bundle: Dragonite and Bulbasaur

Nanobloack Bundle:  Dragonite and Bulbasaur

# items in set: 2
Pieces: 190+120

Release date: 2015/2017
Age: 14+

This two-item set features Pokemon characters Bulbasaur and Dragonite. Anyone who has played the first games has surely encountered both of these (Lance’s Dragonite is legendary!).

You’ll receive 120 pieces to build a Bulbasaur mini-model and 190 bricks to assemble a cute Dragonite replica — the latter will measure ~2.36×2.36×2.52 inches (60×60×64mm) when completed. 

All bundles include detailed illustrated instructions: this set is recommended for beginners. From 1-5, this is a level 2 project (5 being the most challenging). 

Pokemon type and Japanese Trademark names:

Bulbasaur (Generation 1 — Grass, Poison): Fushigidane
Dragonite (Generation 1 — Flying, Dragon): Kairyu

10. Nanoblock Bundle: Pichu, Cyndaquil, and Chikorita

Nanobloack Bundle: Pichu, Cyndaquil, and Chikorita

# items in set: 3
Pieces: 90+150+90

Release date: 2017
Age: 14+

The next bundles on our Pokemon Nanoblock list include three Gen 2 Pokemon, and it runs a bit more expensive. Still, if you’re someone who started in the Gold & Silver era, this is a great pick.

This set features beloved characters Pichu (90 pieces), Cyndaquil (150 pieces), and Chikorita (150 pieces). All structures are Level 1 building difficulty, although they’re still recommended for ages 13 and up.

Dimensions also differ per item. Pichu measures 1.4×1.9×1.7 inches (36×48× 44mm), Cyndaquil 1.57×1.65×2.5 inches (40×42×64mm), and Chikorita 1.25×2× 1.9 inches (32×51×48mm).

Pokemon type and Japanese Trademark names:

Pichu (Generation 2 — Electric): Pichu
Cyndaquil (Generation 2 — Fire): Hinoarashi
Chikorita (Generation 2 — Grass): Chicorita

11. Nanoblock Bundle: Gyarados, Charizard, and Pikachu

Nanobloack Bundle:  Gyarados, Charizard, and Pikachu

# items in set: 3
Pieces: 130+200+170

Release date: 2013/2016/2017
Age: 14+

Featuring some of the most famous Pokemon characters of all time, this set includes mini models of Pikachu, Gyarados, and Charizard. As a result, this is one of the best options for old-school Pokemon fans.

This bundle costs a bit more, but it’s worth it. Charizard consists of 200 pieces and will measure roughly 2.05×2.0×51.9 inches (52×52×48mm).

Gyarados comprises 170 pieces and measures 1.7×2.3×2.35 inches (44×58× 60mm), and Pikachu consists of 130 bricks, making it the smallest of the lot.

Pokemon type and Japanese Trademark names:

Pikachu (Generation 1 — Electric): Pikachu
Gyarados (Generation 1 — Water, Flying): Gyarados
Charizard (Generation 1 — Fire, Flying): Lizardon

12. Nanoblock Bundle: Lapras, Dragonite, and Snorlax

Nanobloack Bundle:  Laplace, Dragonite, and Snorlax

# items in set: 3
Pieces: 130+190+220

Release date: 2015
Age: 14+

Including figures first released in 2015, this bundle contains three projects: Lapras (130 pieces), Dragonite (190 pieces), and Snorlax (220). Note that this Lapras set is identical to the one above, so be careful or you’ll end up with two!

Unlike mininano sets, these bundles feature different Pokemon types in a single pack, making them great purchases if you’re working on a collection.

Snorlax requires the most bricks and is the largest figure, measuring roughly 2.52× 2.52×1.73 inches (64×64×44mm). Each pack in this bundle has different difficulty levels: 2 and 3 (5 being the most complex).

Pokemon type and Japanese Trademark names:

Lapras (Generation 1 — Water, Ice): Laplace
Dragonite (Generation 1 — Flying, Dragon): Kairyu
Snorlax (Generation 1) — Normal): Kabigon

13. Nanoblock Bundle: Squirtle, Mewtwo, and Eevee

Nanobloack Bundle:  Squirtle, Mewtwo, and Eevee

# items in set: 3
Pieces: 120+130+130

Release date: 2013/2014
Age: 14+

Last up for our top Pokemon Nanoblock bundles is this three-pack, including iconic characters Mewtwo, Eevee, and Squirtle. Quite the combination of cuteness and raw power!

Mewtwo and Eevee require 130 to assemble; Squirtle is slightly more straightforward, containing 120 bricks. The difficulty levels in this pack are 2 and 3 (out of 5).

Eevee measures approximately 2×2.4×2 inches (44×55×64mm) when completed, and Mewtwo is the same size, give or take.

Pokemon type and Japanese Trademark names:

Mewtwo (Generation 1 – Psychic): Mewtwo
Eevee (Generation 1 – Normal): Eievui
Squirtle (Generation – Water): Zenigame

Best of the rest: Nanoblock Building Kits

We’ve added some individual Pokemon Nanoblock options to complete our list if you’re looking to purchase characters separately!

There are more than 60 sets in total, ranging from the massive Dialga DX set and legendary birds (Zapdos and Articuno only, sorry Moltres) to many of the basic sets in the bundles above.

You’ll find a range of building blocks and different difficulty levels per model: 1 being the easiest and 5 being the most difficult.

These make great little party favors and gifts; they’re perfect collectibles for any Pokemon fan or hobbyist looking for new brick-building experiences or creative hobbies.

Pikachu: Pokémon Nanoblock Building Kit

Pikachu: Pokémon Nanoblock Building Kit

  • 130 pieces
  • Level 2
  • Released in 2021
Pichu: Pokémon Nanoblock Building Kit

Pichu: Pokémon Nanoblock Building Kit

  • 90 pieces
  • Level 1
  • Released in 2021
Rayquaza: Pokémon Nanoblock Building Kit

Rayquaza: Pokémon Nanoblock Building Kit

  • 240 pieces
  • Level 3
  • Released in 2021
Squirtle: Pokémon Nanoblock Building Kit

Squirtle: Pokémon Nanoblock Building Kit

  • 120 pieces
  • Level 2
  • Released in 2021
Mega Venusaur: Pokémon Nanoblock Building Kit

Mega Venusaur: Pokémon Nanoblock Building Kit

  • 250 pieces
  • Level 2
  • Released in 2022
Galar Ponyta: Pokémon Nanoblock Building Kit

Galar Ponyta: Pokémon Nanoblock Building Kit

  • 200 pieces
  • Level 3
  • Released in 2021
Charizard Deluxe Edition: Pokémon Nanoblock Building Kit

Charizard Deluxe Edition: Pokémon Nanoblock Building Kit

  • 860 pieces
  • Level 4
  • Released 2023


Where can I buy Pokemon Nanoblock sets?

Amazon is the most accessible place to find and buy Pokemon Nanoblock editions. However, the catalog is limited. For example, you won’t find shiny Pokemon Nanoblock models or every single character.

Also, the official Kawada website has some distribution restrictions regarding these products.

Barnes & Noble and large retailers like Walmart sell a few sets. In Europe, for example, you can find Nanoblock Pokemon in the retail chain Fnac.

AliExpress and eBay will also have their good share of items, although you’ll have to do a little more research to find exactly what you want. 

Is Pokemon Nanoblock expensive?

Compared to more popular brick-building brands such as Lego or Lego alternatives, Pokemon Nanoblock models are priced pretty reasonably. You can find sets available for as low as $8 to a little over $60.

However, the pieces are less than half the size of Lego bricks, so price-per-piece comparisons are obviously skewed.

Are Pokemon Nanoblock models hard to build?

Because Nanoblocks are essentially tiny micro bricks, they can be more challenging. Therefore, Nanoblock Pokemon sets and other themes by the brand are primarily advised for teens and up.

Nanoblock Pokemon features difficulty levels per project on its specs/packaging (much like Lego Creator, Lego Harry Potter, Lego Minecraft, etc., does with ages).

The brand establishes this on a scale from 1-5, 5 being the most challenging. For reference, most Pokemon Nanoblock sets will fall under the 1-3 difficulty level.

Are Pokemon Nanoblocks official?

Yes, Nanoblocks Pokemon sets are officially licensed Pokemon products. Kawada is a much more reputable company than Chinese Lego knock-offs like Lepin and the companies that followed it.

That said, not all sets are licensed to be sold in the US, which is why the Japanese catalog of sets is much larger than the North American one.

Nanoblocks doesn’t hold an exclusive deal with the Pokemon brand, however. You can find more official Pokemon brick-building sets from Mega Bloks, too.

Where can I find shiny Pokemon Nanoblock models?

So-called brilliant/shiny Pokemon Nanoblock sets are pretty hard to come across. Your best bet is through Kawada’s official website (you can find items like this), eBay, and AliExpress. Note that some of the brand’s products are only sold in Japan because of licensing restrictions.

What is the hardest Pokemon Nanoblock to build?

Currently, the most complex Pokemon Nanoblock model is the Rayquaza Extreme. So far, this is the only structure with a level 5 difficulty level under this category. Unfortunately, finding this model for purchase isn’t easy, though.

The new Pokemon Nanoblock Charizard Deluxe Edition is level 4 difficulty and one of the most sought-after; you can get it on Amazon!

That’s it for this comprehensive guide to the best Nanoblock Pokemon sets available! Do you have a favorite set, past or present? Let us know in the comments below!

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